Crate mdg

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A Rust library that implements the MD5 cryptographic hash function


Rust GitHub License


The Message Digest (MDG) is an easy way to produces a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value using the MD5 cryptographic hash function. It provides a struct, MD5, that can generate a message digest of data in a secure, one-way hash. The message digest can verify the integrity of the data without having to store the entire message.

Several options are available to produce the hash value:

  • MD5::default() - Returns the hash value of an empty string.
  • MD5::digest() - Returns the hash value of a string.
  • MD5::finalize() - Finalize the MD5 object and return the result as a 16-byte array.
  • MD5::hexdigest() - Returns the hash value of a string as a hexadecimal string.
  • MD5::new() - Create a new instance of the MD5 struct.
  • MD5::reset() - Reset the internal state of the MD5 object.
  • MD5::to_hex_string() - Returns the hash value of a string as a hexadecimal string.
  • MD5::to_string() - Returns the hash value of a string as a string.
  • MD5::update() - Update the internal state of the MD5 object with new data.
  • MD5::update_file() - Update the internal state of the MD5 object with new data from a file.

To use this crate, add mdg to your Cargo.toml:

mdg = "0.0.1"


  • serde: Enable serialization/deserialization via serde


use mdg::MD5;

let hash = MD5::default();
assert_eq!(hash.to_string(), "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");


This crate is not intended for cryptographic use. MD5 is not a cryptographically secure hashing algorithm and should not be used for applications that require a collision-resistant hash function.

MD5 is sensitive to length extension attacks, which alter the hash value if additional data is appended to the input.


pub use constants::*;
pub use digest::*;


Import the constants module.
Import the digest module.


The MD5 struct.


Rotate left
Rotate left
Rotate left
Rotate left
Rotate left